
Huiyan Wang (王慧妍)

Assistant Professor, Software Institute, Nanjing University (2024.5~)

 PhD, Nanjing University, 2021

Email: why at nju dot edu dot cn

Office 1: Room 928, Building of Software Institute (费彝民楼), Nanjing University (Gulou Campus)

Office 2: Room 919, Building of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University (Xianlin Campus)


news-icon2 I have recently joined Software Institute, Nanjing University, as an assistant professor from May, 2024.

news-icon2 I am looking for self-motivated Msc and PhD students. Feel free to contact me via an email (with your CV).


I received my Bachelor degree in computer science from Nanjing University, Jiangsu, China in July 2015, and obtained my Ph.D. degree [PhD thesis: "Input Validation for Context-aware Intelligent Software via Consistency Checking"] for software engineering under the supervision of Prof. Chang Xu, at the Institute of Computer Science (ICS), State Key Laboratory for Novel Software Technology, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University in June 2021.

From May 2024, I have joined Software Institute as an assistant professor. I am also a member of System & Program Analysis Research Group (SPAR group) at Institute of Computer Science (ICS).

Research Interests

My research interests include intelligent software quality assurance, context management, software analyses and testing.


Present (MSc and PhD)

  • Lingyu Zhang (CS PhD; with Prof. Chang Xu; context inconsistency detection; starting from 2021 Fall)
  • Mingchen Gao (CS MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; metamorphic testing for constraint checking engines; starting from 2022 Fall)
  • Han Li (CS MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; efficient checking for code smells; starting from 2023 Fall)
  • Yingying Jiang (CS MSc; code style inconsistency; starting from 2024 Fall)
  • Sicheng Lu (CS MSc; CJ toolchain; starting from 2024 Fall)
  • Keying Zhu (SE MSc; with Prof. Xiaoxing Ma; fuzzing; start from 2024 Fall)
  • Aixuan Dong (SE MSc; with Prof Xiaoxing Ma; fuzzing; start from 2024 Fall)

Past (MSc and PhD)

  • Shuguan Liu (MSc; with Prof. Xiaoxing Ma and Chang Xu; requirement loosening for third-party libraries; 2020-2023; 系优硕提名奖)
  • Chuyang Chen (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; context inconsistency detection; 2020-2023; RA in ECNU)
  • Ziqi Chen (MSc; with Prof. Chang Xu; DNN testing; 2019-2022; Google Beijing)

Invited Talks

  • CCFYEF2023-泛在操作系统论坛,人机物背景下泛在融合数据的高效缺陷处理,2023/5/19
  • 南京大学计算机系青年学者论坛,一致性检测技术的优化与多场景应用探索,2022/11/29
  • NASAC-FMAC2020-优秀博士生论坛,基于一致性检测的开放环境智能软件输入验证技术研究,2020/11/21

Honors and Awards

  • 南京大学郑钢基金——学业导师优秀示范奖 (2023)
  • 南京大学郑钢基金——学业导师优秀示范奖 (2022)
  • JSCS Excellent Doctor Degree Dissertation 江苏省计算机学会优秀博士论文奖 (JSCS, 2022)
  • Excellent Doctor Degree Dissertation Nomination 优秀博士论文提名奖 (Nanjing University CS, 2021)
  • Outstanding Graduate of Nanjing University 南京大学优秀毕业生 (Nanjing University, 2015)

Academic Services

  • PC member: ICSE 2025, SANER 2024, EASE 2024, ASE 2023, QRS 2023, SANER 2022 (tool), QRS 2022, PIC 2021
  • Reviewer/Subreviewer: TOSEM, TSE, JSS, ASE 2022, TheWebConf 2020, ASONAM 2019


I love travelling and taking photos. Also, I quite enjoy watching comedy episodes, and I am a big fan of Friends, TBBT, and Modern Family. Welcome to chat with me about anything.